Billing Schedule Phase Prices

One record per (billing schedule, phase, price) combination

FieldDescriptionData Type
idUnique ID of the (billing schedule, phase, price) combinationSTRING
billing_schedule_idBilling schedule IDSTRING
customer_idCustomer IDSTRING
customer_legal_nameCustomer legal nameSTRING
billing_schedule_start_dateBilling schedule start dateDATE
billing_schedule_end_dateNull for unbounded billing schedulesDATE
billing_schedule_archived_atTimestamp at which the billing schedule was archivedTIMESTAMP
phase_idBilling schedule phase IDSTRING
phase_start_dateBilling schedule phase start dateDATE
phase_end_dateBilling schedule phase end dateDATE
phase_global_discount_amountDiscount amount globally applied to all prices in the phaseDECIMAL
phase_global_discount_calculation_typePercentage or nominalSTRING
phase_global_usage_minimum_amountMinimum commitment across all usage-based prices in the phaseDECIMAL
price_idPrice IDSTRING
product_idProduct IDSTRING
price_namePrice nameSTRING
price_structurePrice configuration, e.g. unit charge, tiersJSON
price_billing_frequencyMonthly, quarterly, annually or one-timeSTRING
price_billing_typeIn advance or in arrearsSTRING
price_discount_amountDiscount amount applied to the priceDECIMAL
price_discount_calculation_typePercentage or nominalSTRING
price_minimum_amountMinimum commitment applied to the priceDECIMAL
modified_atLast modified timestamp for this recordTIMESTAMP


One record per customer

FieldDescriptionData Type
idCustomer IDSTRING
labelCustomer human-readable labelSTRING
customer_aliasesComma-separated list of customer aliases, used in usage and seat eventsSTRING
contact_nameContact nameSTRING
legal_nameLegal nameSTRING
address_line1Address first lineSTRING
address_line2Address second lineSTRING
address_townAddress townSTRING
address_post_codeAddress post codeSTRING
address_countryAddress countrySTRING
address_stateAddress stateSTRING
emailPrimary billing email addressSTRING
billing_emailsComma-separated list of secondary billing emailsSTRING
telephoneTelephone numberSTRING
urlWebsite URLSTRING
archived_atTimestamp at which the customer was archivedTIMESTAMP
modified_atLast modified timestamp for this recordTIMESTAMP


One record per invoice

FieldDescriptionData Type
idInvoice IDSTRING
customer_idCustomer IDSTRING
customer_legal_nameCustomer legal nameSTRING
invoice_numberInvoice numberSTRING
issue_dateIssue dateDATE
due_dateDue dateDATE
purchase_order_numberPurchase order numberSTRING
statusSent, final, voided, draft or in progressSTRING
payment_statusPaid, partially paid, unpaid or uncollectibleSTRING
net_totalNet totalDECIMAL
gross_totalGross totalDECIMAL
total_taxTotal taxDECIMAL
billing_schedule_idID of the billing schedule that generated the invoiceSTRING
billing_period_startStart timestamp of the billing period for the invoiceTIMESTAMP
billing_period_endEnd timestamp of the billing period for the invoiceTIMESTAMP
calculated_atLatest timestamp at which the invoice was calculatedTIMESTAMP
modified_atLast modified timestamp for this recordTIMESTAMP

Invoice Line Items

One record per invoice line item

FieldDescriptionData Type
idLine item IDSTRING
invoice_idInvoice IDSTRING
titleLine item titleSTRING
descriptionLine item descriptionSTRING
quantityNumber of unitsDECIMAL
rateUnit feeDECIMAL
price_idID of the price that generated this line itemSTRING
tax_rateTax rateDECIMAL
service_period_start_dateService period start dateDATE
service_period_end_dateService period end dateDATE
billing_schedule_idID of the billing schedule that generated the invoiceSTRING
billing_period_startStart timestamp of the billing period for the invoiceTIMESTAMP
billing_period_endEnd timestamp of the billing period for the invoiceTIMESTAMP
net_totalNet totalDECIMAL
gross_totalGross totalDECIMAL
total_taxTotal taxDECIMAL
calculated_atLatest timestamp at which the invoice was calculatedTIMESTAMP
modified_atLast modified timestamp for this recordTIMESTAMP


One record per price

FieldDescriptionData Type
product_idProduct IDSTRING
product_nameProduct nameSTRING
billing_typeIn advance or in arrearsSTRING
billing_frequencyMonthly, quarterly, annually or one-timeSTRING
structurePrice configuration, e.g. unit charge, tiersJSON
modified_atLast modified timestamp for this recordTIMESTAMP

Seat Events

One record per seat event

FieldDescriptionData Type
idSeat event IDSTRING
customer_event_idUser-provided ID for the seat eventSTRING
customer_aliasCustomer alias or IDSTRING
customer_idCustomer IDSTRING
customer_legal_nameCustomer legal nameSTRING
seat_typeSeat typeSTRING
seat_metric_labelHuman-readable label for the metric tracking this eventSTRING
seat_metric_descriptionDescription for the metric tracking this eventSTRING
seat_metric_valueCurrent value of the metric tracking this eventINTEGER
is_latestWhether this event is the latest for this customer and seat typeBOOLEAN
modified_atLast modified timestamp for this recordTIMESTAMP