Credit Notes

Snapshot of all credit notes.

FieldDescriptionData Type
idID of the credit noteSTRING
invoice_idID of the invoice that the credit note relates toSTRING
invoice_numberNumber of the invoice that the credit note relates toSTRING
customer_idID of the customer the credit note is forSTRING
customer_legal_nameLegal name of the customer the credit note is forSTRING
currencyCurrency of the credit noteSTRING
issue_dateDate the credit note was issuedDATE
credit_note_numberNumber of the credit noteSTRING
credit_note_gross_totalGross total amount of the credit noteFLOAT
credit_note_total_taxTotal tax amount of the credit noteFLOAT
credit_note_net_totalNet total amount of the credit noteFLOAT
invoice_gross_totalGross total amount of the related invoiceFLOAT
invoice_net_totalNet total amount of the related invoiceFLOAT
invoice_total_taxTotal tax amount of the related invoiceFLOAT
statusStatus of the credit note. One of DRAFT, FINAL, VOIDED, SENTSTRING
memoAdditional memo or notesSTRING
modified_atLast modified timestamp for this recordTIMESTAMP


Snapshot of all customers.

FieldDescriptionData Type
idID of the customerSTRING
legal_nameLegal name of the customerSTRING
contact_nameName of the contact person for the customerSTRING
emailEmail address of the customerSTRING
labelLabel associated with the customerSTRING
countryCountry of the customerSTRING
modified_atLast modified timestamp for this recordTIMESTAMP


Snapshot of all invoices.

FieldDescriptionData Type
idID of the invoiceSTRING
currencyCurrency of the invoiceSTRING
invoice_numberNumerical identifier of the invoice (often preceded by a prefix)STRING
issue_dateDate the invoice was issuedDATE
due_dateDate the invoice is dueDATE
paid_dateDate the invoice was paidDATE
days_pastNumber of days past the invoice due dateINTEGER
memoAdditional memo or notesSTRING
customer_idID of the customer the invoice is forSTRING
customer_legal_nameLegal name of the customer the invoice is forSTRING
billing_period_startStart date of the billing period covered by the invoiceDATE
billing_period_endEnd date of the billing period covered by the invoiceDATE
gross_totalGross total amount of the invoiceFLOAT
total_taxTotal tax amount of the invoiceFLOAT
net_totalNet total amount of the invoiceFLOAT
statusStatus of the invoice. One of VOIDED, DRAFT, SENT, FINALSTRING
payment_statusPayment status of the invoice. One of PAID, UNPAID, UNCOLLECTIBLESTRING
billing_schedule_idID of the billing schedule the invoice is associated withSTRING
modified_atLast modified timestamp for this recordTIMESTAMP
dunning_statusDunning status of the invoiceSTRING

Line Items

Snapshot of all invoice line items.

FieldDescriptionData Type
idID of the line itemSTRING
invoice_idID of the invoice that the line item belongs toSTRING
titleTitle of the line itemSTRING
product_nameName of the product associated with the line itemSTRING
usage_event_typeType of the usage event, for usage-based line itemsSTRING
pricing_typePricing type of the line itemSTRING
usage_metric_nameName of the associated usage metricSTRING
usage_metric_idID of the usage metric, for usage-based line itemsSTRING
quantityQuantity of the line itemFLOAT
gross_totalGross total amount of the line itemFLOAT
total_taxTotal tax amount of the line itemFLOAT
net_totalNet total amount of the line itemFLOAT
invoice_gross_totalGross total amount of the invoiceFLOAT
invoice_gross_total_fractionFraction of the line item gross total relative to the invoice gross totalFLOAT
invoice_statusStatus of the invoiceSTRING
modified_atLast modified timestamp for this recordTIMESTAMP


Calculated metric reporting the total revenue amount over time by customer, product and currency.

FieldDescriptionData Type
idUnique surrogate key ID for this calculationSTRING
date_monthMonth the revenue is calculated forSTRING
customer_idID of the customer the revenue is calculated forSTRING
customer_legal_nameLegal name of the customer the revenue is calculated forSTRING
customer_cohort_monthStarting month of the first billing schedule for the customer the revenue is calculated forSTRING
product_idID of the product this revenue is calculated forSTRING
product_nameName of the product this revenue is calculated forSTRING
revenueTotal revenue amountFLOAT
modified_atLatest calculation timeTIMESTAMP

Revenue Bridge

Categorization of revenue changes across different time periods.

FieldDescriptionData Type
idUnique surrogate key ID for this calculationSTRING
end_monthReference month of the bridgeDATE
start_monthMonth the bridge is compared toDATE
bridge_periodPeriod the bridge is calculated forSTRING
currencyCurrency of the revenueSTRING
component_typeComponent of the bridge. One of ‘New Business’, ‘Expansion’, ‘Reactivation’, ‘Contraction’, ‘Churn’, ‘Start Revenue’, ‘End Revenue’STRING
component_valueValue of the bridge component. Delta for component breakdown and absolute value for start and end revenueFLOAT
modified_atLatest calculation timeTIMESTAMP

Billing Schedule Prices

For each billing schedule, a snapshot of prices it contains. Each price may have an associated discount. Includes an estimate of the total monetary value of each billing schedule.

FieldDescriptionData Type
idUnique surrogate key ID for this billing schedule and price pairSTRING
billing_schedule_idID of the billing scheduleSTRING
billing_schedule_statusStatus of the billing schedule. One of ACTIVE, COMPLETEDSTRING
billing_schedule_start_dateUTC start date of the billing scheduleDATE
billing_schedule_end_dateUTC end date of the billing scheduleDATE
plan_nameName of the plan associated to the billing scheduleSTRING
plan_currencyCurrency of the plan associated to the billing scheduleSTRING
customer_idID of the customer associated to the billing scheduleSTRING
customer_legal_nameLegal name of the customer associated to the billing scheduleSTRING
billing_schedule_total_value_fixedFixed pricing component of the total value of the billing scheduleFLOAT
billing_schedule_total_value_usage_based_estimateUsage-based pricing component of the total value of the billing schedule, estimated based on past invoicesFLOAT
billing_schedule_total_value_estimateOverall estimate of the total value of the billing schedule (fixed + usage-based)FLOAT
price_idID of the priceSTRING
price_nameName of the priceSTRING
product_nameName of the product associated to the priceSTRING
price_billing_frequencyFrequency at which this price is billedSTRING
price_billing_typeEither IN_ADVANCE or IN_ARREARSSTRING
price_pricing_structurePricing model specification for this priceJSON
price_pricing_typePricing model type for this priceSTRING
price_amount_fixedPrice amount if the pricing type is fixed (else null)FLOAT
price_amount_usage_based_estimatePrice amount if the pricing type is usage-based (else null), estimated based on past invoicesFLOAT
price_amount_estimateOverall price amount estimate (whether fixed or usage-based)FLOAT
price_number_of_occurrencesNumber of times this price occurs in the scheduleFLOAT
discount_idID of the discount for this priceSTRING
discount_amountNumeric amount of the discount for this priceFLOAT
discount_calculation_typeEither PERCENTAGE or NOMINALSTRING
discount_messageDisplay message for the discountSTRING
discount_valid_fromDate the discount is valid from. NULL for start of the scheduleDATE
discount_valid_toDate the discount is valid to. NULL for foreverDATE
billing_schedule_created_atBilling schedule creation timeTIMESTAMP
modified_atLast modified timestamp for this recordTIMESTAMP

Usage Events Counts

Daily counts of usage events ingested, by customer and event type.

FieldDescriptionData Type
idUnique surrogate key ID for this calculationSTRING
date_dayDay the metric is calculated forSTRING
customer_idID of the customer the metric is calculated forSTRING
customer_legal_nameLegal name of the customer the metric is calculated forSTRING
usage_event_typeType of the usage event the metric is calculated forSTRING
usage_events_countCalculated value of the metricINTEGER
modified_atLatest calculation timeTIMESTAMP

Usage Metrics

All usage metrics calculated monthly, by metric and customer.

FieldDescriptionData Type
idUnique surrogate key ID for this calculationSTRING
date_monthMonth the metric is calculated forSTRING
customer_idID of the customer the metric is calculated forSTRING
customer_legal_nameLegal name of the customer the metric is calculated forSTRING
usage_metric_nameName of the usage metricSTRING
usage_metric_valueCalculated value of the metricFLOAT
modified_atLatest calculation timeTIMESTAMP

Invoiced Amount

Calculated metric reporting the total invoiced amount over time, by customer and currency.

FieldDescriptionData Type
idUnique surrogate key ID for this calculationSTRING
date_monthMonth the metric is calculated forSTRING
customer_idID of the customer the metric is calculated forSTRING
customer_legal_nameLegal name of the customer the metric is calculated forSTRING
gross_invoiced_amountCalculated value of the metric (gross)FLOAT
net_invoiced_amountCalculated value of the metric (net)FLOAT
modified_atLatest calculation timeTIMESTAMP

Active Billing Schedules Count

Calculated metric reporting the number of active billing schedules over time, by customer.

FieldDescriptionData Type
idUnique surrogate key ID for this calculationSTRING
date_monthMonth the metric is calculated forSTRING
active_billing_schedules_countCalculated value of the metricINTEGER
modified_atLatest calculation timeTIMESTAMP

Seat Balances

For seat-based prices, the full history of the seat balances over time, by customer and seat type.

FieldDescriptionData Type
idID of the balance snapshotSTRING
customer_idID of the customer the snapshot is forSTRING
customer_legal_nameLegal name of the customer the snapshot is forSTRING
seat_type_idID of the seat type the snapshot is forSTRING
seat_typeName of the seat type the snapshot is forSTRING
totalNumber of seats in the snapshotINTEGER
seat_changesDetails of the seat changes included in the snapshotJSON
valid_fromTimestamp the seat balance is valid fromTIMESTAMP
valid_toTimestamp the seat balance is valid toTIMESTAMP
is_latestWhether the balance is the current oneBOOLEAN
modified_atLast modified timestamp for this recordTIMESTAMP