
Use Zapier to automate workflows and keep your team in the loop by leveraging webhooks to trigger Zaps. Whether you want to notify your team in Slack when a customer signs a quote or a customer is due for renewal, this guide will help you get started.

A Zapier Pro account is required to use Webhooks in Zaps.

Get started with Zapier templates

Set up a simple Slack alert in a few steps.


Create new Zap

Start by creating a new Zap or get started with one of the below templates. Use the webhook Zap, select the Catch Hook option and copy the webhook URL provided by Zapier. No other fields need to be configured.


Create webhook notification in Sequence

Next, create a new webhook notification in your Sequence account, entering the webhook URL provided by Zapier in the previous step. Choose all or specific Sequence notification types, depending on the workflow you want to automate.


Configure your Zap

Go back to Zapier and configure the Zap. For example, you may want to filter certain responses or configure custom actions (e.g. send an email).


Test and publish

Depending on the webhook notification you have configured, trigger a webhook action to see the result in Zapier. For example, if you have created a webhook to listen to new customers created, create a customer in Sequence and confirm Zapier is able to receive the webhook.

Zapier template library