Products in the product catalog represent the products or SKUs you’re selling to customers. The product catalog is the ultimate source of truth for your pricing.

In Sequence, the fees that apply for a product are called prices. One product can have multiple prices. For example, your Analytics product may have a EUR price and a USD price. You may also end up with multiple prices for the same product as part of your sales-led motion (sales reps negotiating different rates with customers, for example).


  • Products are what you’re selling to customers (e.g. Analytics suite)
  • List prices are standard or default prices for a product (e.g. £500 per month)
  • Price variants are the different price-points across your customers (e.g. £400 monthly for Acme Corp, £625 monthly for Solarstream)
When you’re getting started with Sequence, you need to configure your products and one or more list prices per product.

View products and prices

You can access your product catalog by selecting Products in the navigation.

Product Catalogue

View an individual product to see its list prices and price variants. In this example, you can see that Analytics Product has two list prices, and two price variants (one for Beta Ltd and one for Amara).

Product detail view

Select a price variant to get a more detailed view of the price and to see the different customers who are billed for it.

Product Catalogue

Create list prices

For each product you’re selling, configure one or more list prices (e.g. per currency or market segment). List prices are the standard or default price offered to a customer prior to negotiation. When you’re creating a new quote or billing schedule, use list prices to quickly configure basic pricing for a customer and subsequently adjust it.

Navigate to a product from your product catalogue and create a list price.

List prices act as templates for prices.
List prices

Configure a list price by defining a display name, billing frequency, type, pricing model, etc.

List prices

Review your list price configuration.

List prices

Use the list price when you’re configuring a new billing schedule. In the below example, the Platform Access product has three list prices.

List prices

Using list prices

List prices are standard or default prices for a product (e.g. your Analytics Suite product may cost £500 per month). Defining list prices simplifies price configuration on quotes and billing schedules.


Select a list price

Choose a list price

Make pricing adjustments

Make changes to the list price to create a bespoke price variant for the customer.

Adjust list price

Alternatively, choose a different list price.

Switch list price

Configure additional settings

Open additional fields to adjust the pricing model, billing frequency and type.

Additional fields