To set up an automatic import of your usage data from your Redshift into Sequence, you will need:

  • A dedicated user with the access credentials to the usage data table. You may also want to created a dedicated database and schema to host this table
  • A network inbound rule allowing the IP used by Sequence to access your Redshift cluster

Step 1: Find endpoint details

  1. In the Redshift console, click Clusters
  2. Select the cluster you would like to connect
  1. In the General information pane, look up the Endpoint details and make a note of the host name and port number (likely 5439)

Step 2: Allow Sequence to connect

  1. In the Redshift console, click Clusters
  2. Select the cluster you would like to connect
  3. Click the Properties tab
  4. Scroll down to the Network and security settings section
  5. Ensure your cluster is publicly accessible. You can enable this setting by clicking Edit and ticking Turn on Publicly accessible
  1. In the VPC security group field, select a security group to open it
  1. Click Edit inbound rules
  2. In the Edit the Inbound rules window, follow the steps below to create custom TCP rules for Prequel’s IP: a. Select Custom TCP in the drop-down menu b. Enter your Redshift port number (likely 5439). d. Enter the Sequence static IP address: e. Click Add rule

Step 3: Create a Limited User

  1. Connect to your Redshift cluster using the SQL client
  2. Execute the following query to create a user (replace <password> with a password of your choice):
CREATE USER <username> PASSWORD '<password>';
  1. Execute the following query to grant the prequel user read-only privileges (replace <database> with your database name):
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA <schema> TO <username>;

Step 3: Sharing your details with Sequence

The last step is to share the following details with the Sequence team:

  • The fully qualified Redshift source table name ID: <database>.<schema>.<table_name>
  • The host name and port number (likely 5439) of your Redshift cluster: <cluster_identifier>.<id>.<zone>
  • The full table schema of the Redshift source table
  • The username and password created in Step 3. We recommend you do this via a password manager
That’s it! You are now ready to automatically import usage data into Sequence 🎉