Get to know Sequence by understanding the basics

Create new customers via API, dashboard or via an integration. Optionally define parent-child hierarchies between customers.

Billing schedules
A schedule ties one or more prices to a customer over a period of time, reflecting their contract.

Products are the specific SKUs in your business. Products are the parent object of prices.

Prices reflect the different price-points of a product across your customers. Sequence supports a breadth of pricing models (recurring, usage-based, seat-based, etc).

Create one-time invoices or auto-generate invoices with billing schedules. Send invoices and credit notes via email, PDF or as a link.

Events & Metrics
Usage events represent units of usage you charge for. Metrics aggregate events into overall usage measure (e.g. total API calls).

Quotes are pricing proposals sent to customers and can be e-signed. Accepted quotes can automatically be billed.

Sequence provides native CRM, ERP, data warehouse, payment, and e-signature integrations.