
Customers you are billing via Sequence. Use customer aliases to map a Sequence customer to a customer record in your app or system (e.g. to map usage events).


Products in Sequence represent the types of things you charge customers for, such as Platform access, Analytics add-on or Transaction fees. Products are the parent object of prices. A product can contain one more list prices and price variants.


Prices are the specific price-points you’re charging your customers for a given product. Different prices for the same product are called price variants. List prices are the standard price offered to customers prior to negotiation. Sequence supports different pricing models (subscriptions, usage-based, seat-based, etc).

Billing schedules

Billing schedules automatically generate invoices for a customer based on the included prices, billing terms, phases, discounts and minimum commitments.


Quotes are commercial proposals issued to customers and include a set of prices. Accepted quotes can be used to create new billing schedules.

Usage events

Usage events represent units of usage you charge for (e.g. API calls or payments).

Usage metrics

Usage metrics aggregate multiple events into overall usage measures (e.g. total API calls or total payment amounts).


Invoices show charges and payment information for a billing period. Sequence supports one-time invoices and auto-generated invoices via billing schedules.